Take your SOPA and stick it up your PIPA

Today is blackout Wednesday. Many sites are blocking content, or blocking entire sites altogether. Places like Wikipedia and Wordpress and Reddit are all blacked out today. Others like Google are blacking out logos but still providing the services. (BTW, those sites are really not completely blacked out, from what I…


Ideas on Code Strategies

This past week I have spent time thinking on some of the best applications I have built, and some of the "neediest" applications I have built. Some of them are in both columns. And I am sure this is the case with most developers. Some times, we get to be…


WWDC: New Ideas or Something Else

So today is the WWDC kick off, and we learned that Apple is going to release the new OS and mobile OS later this year. Why should this be important to anyone? Because it is starting to get the thought that not everything should be static and stuck at one…


Time to take a break

For this weekend I am going to take a break. But here are a few articles I have viewed and read today: Google and the new Wallet and Offers - does anything really need to be said? AltLy - Now this one I find really funny. This is a supposed…


SOAP Server and Client, now with WSDL part 2

Now here is the part where I give the example files. After we have planned the application functions, we need to figure out what we are going to return to the client. This is going to be a standard array with at least two levels: The Response array and the Data array. It will look similar to this:

    [responseMsg] => Array
            [status] => ok
            [message] => Service call was successful
    [allColors] => Array
            [0] => blue
            [1] => green
            [2] => black
            [3] => white
            [4] => yellow
            [5] => red
            [6] => beige

Now that we have the basic idea, we need to create the WSDL file. Remember, it is very important to think of WSDL files as of reading from bottom to top. The final WSDl file is located here. Here is the basic idea of the WSDL file I created (going from the bottom to the top):

  1. Service: This houses the binding, the location, the port, and the name.
  2. Binding: This houses the functions that will be exposed, the operation and the input and output encoding. Most of the time these will be similar with only the names being different.
  3. Port Type: Here is where I define the operations and the input/output definitions
  4. Message: These are individual nodes for the Request and Response messages for all functions. These will usually have two message nodes per function, and they will define the structure for each action
  5. Types: This defines each structure that has been mentioned in the Message and any subsequent structures that have to be defined. This is usually the area where most struggles occur.
    • This structure will be encompassed by schema target namespace
    • Import the XML namespaces to help build the structures in the reasponse
    • For each complex type, it should either mention a specific data type (xsd:), or a new defined structure (tns:)
    • Each structure that is an array should be defined as a SOAP-ENC:Array with a wsdl:arrayType parameter

So that is the WSDL. The one I have created defines the 2 functions, the input, the output, and the structure of each. Now we can move on to the Server code.


SOAP Server and Client, now with WSDL

Trying to get the post in for the day, and this is about the PHP SOAP service. So we have the array of items we need, and we are going to create some quick code for the server and client, but unlike nuSOAP, we do not get a great WSDL…


And we are still here

In thinking about the past week, and more specifically, this past weekend, there is one major non event that most people seemed to be tuned in to: The Rapture. Yes, the Family Radio group has been preaching for months now in their RVs that the end of the world was…


End the Week Already

Taking another detour, because I do not want to really gather all of my funny quotes right now. So here is a good song from the group The Wombats. One of the more clever groups out there today, and I really like this song. So enjoy!