You Did What?

Today's topic is kind of short, but a very important one. If you are not living under a rock, then you know about Sony's problem with their Playstation online services getting hacked and being down for some time. A new concern now is that this has exposed the credit card…


Focus on the result

I have been taking the last week to review my posts and see what I have written. And I must say I am really long winded at times. So in an effort to make more posts, and to keep them more targeted, I am going to do my posts with…


Resetting the passwords

In some applications on the web, you are required to log in to view content, post content, or any other sort of thing. With this, there will be times when a member of the site/application/whatever will forget the password they used, and it will have to be reset for them. So there are different methods of doing this, and different ideas behind what should make this work. I am going to give you one that I use, which will use a close to random method for resetting the passwords.



Ghost Town

I did not post on Monday, which I really wanted to do. I am studying for the Zend Certification, but may have to put it off based on work load, and family obligations. Do I think I can just take the exam and pass it? Well, I am not that…


Access Control Lists (ACLs) Part 3

In the first part, the idea and theory behind an ACL was discussed. In part 2, the set up of AROs, ACOs, and ACLs via the command line was shown. Now in part three, we look at why this is so important. Because an interactive site with memberships should never be static, what happens when a new member signs up? What happens when a member is promoted to an “admin” level? And what happens when users change? This can all be happened via ACLs.

In part 2, existing member were set up as AROs. And with user accounts, we also have to set those up as ACOs. Then those AROs (people) need to have permissions set for the CRUD actions. (Create, Read, Update, Delete). These actions are specific to the ACO, or object they are trying to manipulate. So if a user wants to edit their own account, do they have permission? If a user wants to delete another person’s account, do they have permissions to? With setting up ACLs, this can be checked. But what do we do when a new person signs up for an account? We need to create the code to do this.

In the Users Controller, we need to make sure we use the ACL component is included. So include this in the controller:

class UsersController extends AppController {
	var $name = 'Users';
	var $components = array('Acl');

Also remember that the Auth and Security components are also very powerful components and should be included as well, but the above only shows where to include the components. Now with this in place, we can no address the add (or register) function of the controller.



Queries using CakePHP find()

CakePHP now has deprecated some queries. The findALL, findCount, etc etc etc. This now uses the find() method for all of these, and has a basic syntax for this. If it is basic, why blog about it then? Good question. The documentation is there in the API, and is there in the Cookbook, it took me some time to really get a good idea on an applicable example and took many times of “trial and error” to help me get along. Because finding is good, and will give you all the information you need, if it is a simple, 1 table find. If you need to query two or three tables, how does this work. So this will go into those as well.

The basic idea of find, as listed by the API is this:

	array $conditions, 
	array $fields, 
	string $order, 
	int $recursive

This will find one record based on conditions, return the desired fields (or all of them if nothing is specified), order the results, and go so many levels deep (-1 for just the current table).



With the sensationalized aura surrounding this “web 2.0” myth, there is more and more of a call for AJAX enabled sites. This demand gets higher due to sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and so forth. So when going forward with a design to implement AJAX libraries, which one is the best. The answer: Whichever one fits the job at hand. There are good points to Scriptaculous, jQuery DoJo and others. There is a good list of some of these with pros and cons at The Chandler Project, and a further list of other libraries at eDevil’s Weblog.

The one I am going to cover is a newer one, and one that is hosted elsewhere, which has its own pros and cons, and that is the Yahoo User Interface, or YUI. The documentation, the downloads (if you desire), tutorials and other information is located at and is very extensive for the different aspects it can do. What I am going to cover is something useful for long pages of content on the web, Tabbed Viewing.


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Don’t forget the basics

There was something I was asked to troubleshoot between two different environments. Most reputable places will give at least 2 different environments for application development, the best is to have at least three, development, stage, and production areas. I was asked resolve and fix an issue in the stage area,…

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